HoneyColor Moonbeam Soul Green
Rating: ★★★★★
Purchase Moonbeam Soul Green on HoneyColor
Product Specifications:
Frequency: Yearly Wear
Material: poly-HEMA
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Lens Diameter: 14.2mm
Graphic Diameter: 12.0mm
Water Content: 42%
Lens Type: Plano and Myopia only
With the pandemic arrived in 2020, one of the first things I had to say goodbye to were conventions. Every year I would attend Fanime in San Jose, California with my friends and for the first time in a handful of years, none of us were able to attend. (Not that we could anyway, because the convention – like many others – was canceled!)
I found myself becoming even more of a recluse and shut-in during the first year. I stopped wearing make-up, slowly accepted my new evolution into becoming some kind of swamp witch, and found myself sitting around in my apartment pantsless for a huge majority of my day.
In an effort to combat this slow descent into goblin mode, my best friend, Julie, and I decided to try to host a monthly make-up date. As we lived on opposite ends of the country, this meant that it had to be virtual, but long distance meant nothing to us. These make-up dates slowly began to peter out as we moved closer and closer to getting a vaccine and eventually ground to a halt in 2021 and we were allowed to step outside again.
Julie visited me this past November and, in an attempt to relive the early days of the pandemic, we decided to go all out with our makeup. A few weeks before her visit, I had asked her what companies she recommended for colored lenses. Her recommendation had been HoneyColor! I’d always wanted to try on colored lenses (they’ve advanced far beyond than what they used to be when I had first tried them on in 2007) and thought that this would be a great opportunity to do so.
My goal for these contact lenses was to find ones that wouldn’t be TOO over the top. I wanted them to pop on top of my brown eyes, but I wanted them to still look natural.
After poking through their website, I came across the Moonbeam in Soul Green.

There was one 5-star review and the photo that was provided looked great. I was immediately sold. I felt like a green color would suit and match my eyes the most – I didn’t think blue would look as natural on them. I purchased these on September 27, 2022 and received them on October 11, 2022, which was roughly ~15 or so days.
Considering that these contacts came from Malaysia, a 2 week turnaround is actually pretty good!
HoneyColor had packaged the contacts very nicely and provided me with some extra contact lens cases. (Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos as a review wasn’t even on the top of my list of things to do.) I made sure to soak them in contact solution for at least 24-48 hours before Julie and I put them in for our day out in Boston.
When it comes to my make-up routine, I usually put on my contacts first. This is because I am clumsy as hell when it comes to putting on contacts and it is absolutely inevitable that I will smear my eyeshadow, eyeliner, or whatever while trying to put them in.
At first, it was absolutely jarring.
But once I started putting on my make-up, everything came together and I was absolutely in love.

Comfort: ★★★★★
These contacts were quite comfortable to wear, though there was a little bit of stickyness at first. I find colored or circle lenses to be a little bit thicker than my regular contacts, so it always takes me a minute or two to adjust and get used to them.
Enlargement: ★★★★★
I typically don’t look for enlargement when I wear lenses, but these were the perfect size. The outer ring was not at all dark or obvious (like some other lenses tend to be!) and I think it was designed quite beautifully to blend in with your eyes. This helped keep it looking natural!
Design: ★★★★☆
In direct sunlight they looked fantastic. Once we were outside and the sun was setting, however, it was harder to notice the color of the contacts. However, this DID NOT bother me whatsoever! As mentioned before, my main goal was to find colored lenses that were fun, but didn’t scream costume or freak show.
The only downside was that the lenses did not cover 100% of my natural eye color. I think if my eyes were a darker brown it would have just blended in with my pupils, but because my eyes are a lighter shade, they peeked out from behind the inner edges of the design. Again, to reiterate, this is not terrible – it gave my eyes more of a “hazel”-like appearance, which I liked.

I did manage to get some photos of them in direct light again, this time with a ring light. As you can see here, the color really pops and looks absolutely gorgeous. Paired with my outfit, I felt like an extra out of some kind of Kdrama.
Overall, I found these lenses to be a great purchase and something that I would recommend to those who are interested!